Heirloom Opal, Aquamarine, + Diamond Ring for Charlotte

Charlotte first visited the studio last year with her parents. Her mom has a vast collection of beautiful family heirloom jewelry and stones that I was lucky enough to be able to admire. They shared with me some of the amazing history behind one piece that I especially thought was fascinating. As I looked closer at what appeared to be a barrette or pin with large sapphires and diamonds, I realized it was neither. I did see two small holes in the back of the bar. Their family was living in Ukraine during WWII. They had to flee their country, so they liquidated their businesses and properties into gemstones and diamonds since their currency was useless. They would sew the bar inside of a person's pant leg so they could discreetly travel with the stones. Whenever they needed to make large purchases, they would remove a stone and use it as currency. I am so amazed by the history that travels through these stones through generations and makes its way into the shop. 

Charlotte's ring was created with opal from her grandmother, aquamarine from her mom, and diamonds from a tennis bracelet. 

xo theresa

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